Age: 12
Job/Role: Fashionista; founder of Anika’s Pink Closet Boutique Experience for Girls
Why she’s an influencer: Ortiz,named Outstanding Youth Honoree at the 2015 National Philanthropy Dayin Orange County, reaches more than 800 girls who follow her on Facebook and Instagram. She raised awareness about domestic violence and bullying as a guest speaker at local schools and community groups.
Biggest challenge: Overcoming her shyness. “Before I could teach the girls to be confident and be friends, I had to learn it myself.”
Inspiration: Her sister. “I keep on going because I know I can make a difference. That’s very important for me.”
Can’t do without: “My family and friends. Every month, they helped me set up for the boutique. And for the classes, my mom always helps me plan and make an agenda.”
What’s next: The boutique was a one-year project, but it will resurface in 2016 as an online enterprise featuring mostly accessories. She’ll have a pink-carpet gala on Jan. 30. Her classes for girls will continue at Mariposa. She also plans to write a book and launch her own jewelry line.